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 Hye babiesss 💕💕💕

Okay in this entry i'm gonna tell how excited i am becoming an AUNT!!! (but don't call me makcik, i'm still young tho)

On 11 November 2017, my sister in law (Kak Sha) and my brother (oldest one) got a baby!! (baby shark doo doo doo, baby shark doo doo doo) I can't say how excited i am because this is the first anak sedara, the first cucu for my parent in our family. Actually the actual due was on 30 October so we were really excited to wait for the baby to come out. My mom already went to Johor on the 2nd November to take care Kak Sha (actually, my father was the one who really excited+afraid⟵don't know why 😕) .

So, on the 11/11 (what a nice date tho) I was having a program with accounting course that make me so stress and annoyed until this news came out!!!

Alhamduillahh.. YEAYYYYY 😁

It's a GIRL! (we gonna be a best friend i hope) I hope we can get along together. I need to get used with a new girl in my family (I hope i'm still A PRINCESS ACTUALLY 😶)

I think the baby give full of happiness to other people too. Still remeber what happened on 11/11? No? I'll tell you. On the 11/11 all the online shopping website had some BIG SALE!! Still can't remember? Yeah, that LAZADA, SHOPEE, 11 STREET and also some of IG shop. I also got one new eyeshadow pallete from TWO FACED PEACH PALLETE with only RM102. Isn't that a good news? (THANKS TO THE BABY, THANKS TO THE ALLAH for the really cutie baby)

Wanna look the picture of the baby? Hmm, let me think first. I heard some people said we cannot share a picture of new born before 40 days. I also read once about UMMU SIBYAN something (sejenis jin yang membawa penyakit) that will ganggu the baby and make the baby cry.

But, to not kecewa all of you i'll show you all don't worry..


So, what do you think? Isn't beautiful she is? She so cute right? With that reddish cheek. Oh my God i can't wait to meet you (ya i still cannot make it to meet her. I'm stuck at my Uni with a lots of assignment 😭) But wait until i meet you baby, i'm gonna cubit cubit your pipi so gerammm. (I won't do that don't worry I know my batas)

First day at home. You must be so excited right, baby?

So, pls doa for me to cepat cepat balik and meet the baby okay. I can't wait anymore!!!

Love from the baby 😘


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